As fundamental characteristics of the fourth industrial revolution, digitalization and cross-linking represent essential paradigm shifts concerning the structure and organization of modern companies as well as their business models. Recently technological leaders like Germany and the United States of America put scientific effort into developing Industry-4.0-concepts and started to generate new products and services out of these. Depending on the study cited, Industry-4.0 shows an annual economical potential of 78 to 110 billion Euros of additional sales for the European Union. These trend make great demands on integrating existing systems and production machines as well as the work force into modern factories. Smart devices like data glasses and other wearables might be used as information sources or sinks. These however require cross-linked IT-systems as well as new ways concerning appropriate aggregation and visualization of information.
The presentation will deliver insights into major technological causes and characteristics of Industry-4.0 and demonstrate successful applications as well as economical potentials. Relevant developments and trends will be shown and a short review upon the current market, technological suppliers as well as potential customers will be given
Acesse aqui o arquivo com a apresentação.
Expositores: Eike Permin e Philipp von Cube (Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie – IPT)
Moderador: Eduardo Zankul (OIC e EP – USP)
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